About me , myself and i
me ,my name is Lim Bee Kee , not Um Bee Kee . I am 20 years old and my birth day is 3/10/1989.I am orang Selangor , my village name is Tanjung Sepat. My primary ,secondly school all study in this village ,so all my sweet or sad memory all also in this village. My fether is a farmer and my mother work at home . I have 2 brothers and 1 sister .we are stay at a big family ,we stay with my grandfather and my uncle family.So that my home are very "riuh rendah " sometime with fun .sometime with arguement . but recently all of go out for study my home already not riuh rendah like before that.i like to watching drama or movie but after come into USM school HBP , I
already no time yo watch anymore. so sad.....At the free
time , i also like to playing badminton ....
this is the my project 1b